Yesterday I made and published a simple infographic to compare the different ways in which Google+, Facebook and Twitter let the user build relationships and share contents.

One of the most interesting things I noticed in Google+, a truly differentiating characteristic, is the fluidity. Let’s make an example: I usually write in italian and speak with italian counterpart, and I do that on my blog, on facebook, on twitter, on friendfeed. The reason is that I’m italian and so are both the stakeholders I address and the context I live and work in.

That said, with Google+ something seems to have changed: in the last days several non-italian experts have added me to their circles. Probably this is partly because we’re still a few on Google+, and so it’s normal to pay attention to people with whom we wouldn’t usually interact. Anyway I think it’s important that Goolge+ promotes a fluidity and openness that other Social Network Sites did not make possible (at least in my case).

Yesterday some of my “new” contacts asked for an english version of the infographic. So, for this reason this blog sees his first post in English: the translated Infographic. Excuse me, blame Google!

(Click to enlarge)

French Versione here. Thanks to Yohanne Legrand!

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